Generic placeholder image provides integrated energy services inclusive of planning, managing and funding assistance and consultancy to companies in the energy field. We deal with the subject Energy through an approach highly addressing innovation.

Negawat. The best watts are those not consumed.

Energy efficiency is cutting costs, being competitive, achieving the best management of resources, incentives and image; in just one word efficiency is the “future”. Information Technology allows you to address the issue of energy efficiency according to innovative concepts. Therefore, not only large “energy intensive” industries (such as paper mills, steel mills, glass factories) are able to adopt energy saving strategies, but also companies of different sizes and also those which take energy from different distribution points. All of these can successfully deal with energy efficiency. NRG.IT Ltd. designs and manages energy efficiency solutions and is able to adopt the current incentive mechanisms to save and achieve energetic efficiency, thus bringing about revenue and added value.

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Energy audits. Know thyself.

Identifying and monitoring ones energy consumption at the correct level of detail is the first useful action in the process of continuous improvement required by ISO 50001 for final energy uses.
Verifying and controlling energy consumption and costs related to its production processes allows to adopt correct management policies and energy savings. Energy audits are mandatory for large companies and for companies that benefit by the reduction in the tariff, as with “energy intensive”, and are the starting point of proper energy management. In Italy the State and the Regions have adopted policies in order to contribute to the cost of implementation of energy audits.
NRG.IT is qualified to carry out energy audits in accordance with Legislative Decree of July 4, 2014, n. 102, in industries and service companies, by measuring and analyzing the energy consumption of processes and proposing energy-saving policies.

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Personalized Consulting. Energy according to your size.

The support for management control through analysis reports and verification of energy costs for the sampling point and cost center and a constant revision of the budget allows to control expenses. The experience gained in the management of complex projects and the constant and ongoing relationships with the institutions (GSE, GME, Enea, CCSE) enable NRG.IT to provide their clients every opportunity in the energy market in real time. offers customized solutions for energy management; such as support for purchasing offices. This is possible thanks to the knowledge of markets and to the instruments used to monitor prices in real time, by defining the best strategy of purchasing according to the customer's needs and the right tactics to reach predetermined goals.

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Training and information. Investing in the future.

A company which is able to develop the value of the concept of “Green” in their brand and in the environmental performance of its products and services, has many more possibilities on the market.
To be updated on information pertaining to increasingly specific regulations and to volatile and dynamic markets, is essential in order to remain competitive and to be the first to seize upcoming opportunities.
The training of one's own resources in the “Green” field is a mandatory step for all companies in the next future. develops customized reports based on the latest regulatory energy news and on the fluctuation of energy market prices so to train (human)resources in regards to energy and environmental issues.

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